Skincare tips

Skincare tips for winters


Winter season is here and now is the time to make the necessary switch in thecurrent skincare regime. The dry skin, chapped lips, rough hands, peeled skin of the joints, dry and rough hair all these are the common issues one faces in this season. Cold temperature and low humidity can really take a toll on your skin by sucking the moisture out from the skin surface. Dry skin happens to produce lesssebum the natural lubricant, because of which the skin cracks and bleeds. Heated indoor temperature further lowers the humidity which in turn worsens the skin condition. Hydration –Keep skin replenished by having plenty of water and other liquids like green tea etc. Winters tend to make the skin dry and harsh. Many times proper nourishment through food and liquids keeps the skin-related issues sorted off during the season.

Moisturization- Use of good moisturizer is a must. The best time for usage of good moisturizer would be after a bath when the skin is already moistened from water. The moisturizer layer above the skin would arrest the moisture within it. Avoid harmful skin products and hair styling products with high alcoholic content. Sunscreen- It is a common myth that during winters as there is no harsh Sun rays, and so sunscreens are not needed. Sun UV rays are present even on cloudy and gloomy days. Skin protection from UV rays is meant just not only for summers but for winters too. Apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen to face and the other exposed area 30 mins before going out in the sun. Diet- It must be rich in Vitamin (A-C-E), minerals (zinc, selenium, omega-3 fats) like broccoli, cabbage etc. These foods tend to repair and re-energize the skin to further fight and survive the harsh cold weather. Cracked heels and chapped lips- Apply petroleum jelly, winter care cream containing urea, lanolin and other such emollients for healing the dryness. Chapped lips are another issue faced during the season. Keep lips replenished with hydrating lip balm. A balm can be prepared naturally with almond oil, coconut oil, wheat germ oil, aloe vera, sunflower oil and petroleum gel. 

Instasculpt Mumbai Health clinics ,Slimmimg centre India

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