Fat to fit journey: Why wait to lose weight
Insta-sculpt have always appreciated the efforts of the patients in their weight loss journey with us. Many of such patients whose stories carry an inspirational message make us proud of them. One of the kinds is the weight loss journey of ‘Mr. Anirudh Manka’ who has agreed to share his story with us here. This is what he has to say:
‘I hail from a small town named ‘Mahoba’ in North. I came to Mumbai 6 years back. Being in Airlines industry, we need to have high level of fitness. Since I met with an accident and was hospitalized, bedridden for 4 months. Because of which I had put on 11-12 kgs in 4 months (weight-103.5 kg, 38.2% fat). When I tried joining back my work I realized all my body measurements were much above the normal joining criteria ranges, that is when I realized that I really was in bad shape I was given a month’s time by my organization to get into normal shape. On the net, I came to know about Insta-Sculpt Clinic, which offered assured results. Without wasting any further time, I consulted the doctor. Understanding my problem she explained me the procedures and both of us decided to set a target of losing that weight in a month’s span.
I was suggested a diet plan which was made according to calorie requirement of my body. Initially, it was difficult for me to do daily activities/ exercise, but the motivation from the doctors and staff kept me going. Their non-surgical advanced laser sessions, Meso session gave wonderful results; I could notice my body transformation drastically. I lost around 9 kgs in 45 days. Now my weight is 92 kgs and able to walk and run. I have managed to get back to my shape as I was before my accident. I could join back my organization, super Thankful to Insta-Sculpt.
Anirudh Manka