
Don’t wait to lose weight


One of the most important things in today’s life is Trust and that is what Insta- Sculpt have always maintained with patients every time with open arms. So we are back with inspiring words from one of our super achiever ‘Mr. Mangesh Bhusari’ who trusted us to help him out with his struggle in his weight loss journey.

‘I hail from Indore. I had come to Mumbai some 14 years back to achieve my dreams of becoming a singer. I always had a gift of beautiful voice. I started from teaching in school as singing teacher and today I have my own singing institution. So few years back when all was going fine, I met with an accident where I happened to undergo a surgery in my knee joint and I was on bed for almost 45 days. Those were the days, I started putting on weight, and I was detected with Diabetes too. I went little slow on activity and concentrated more on the diet but the weight started increasing instead. I was almost 92kg at 5.2” and 30 years. And my profession being so, I started losing my hold on singing which was my bread and butter. My lifestyle became sedentary.
I read about ‘InstaSculpt’ in some of leading newspaper. I visited the doctor, who made me aware of my future tendencies if I would continue putting on weight with my medical issues. The timely interventions of the doctors and dietitian helped me not only to reduce my weight but also to overcome my mental blockage. They worked on my overall personality development which I had started losing because of the weight. Again where my physical appearance was creating a hindrance on my professional matters started sorting off. The unusual strength and the attention I received from them were overwhelming. I am 36 years today and weigh 73 kgs, happy and satisfied with my overall results and I am extremely thankful thatI came across Insta-Sculpt and got to achieve what I
thought was impossible. Hope they carry on with their good work.

Mr.Mangesh Bhusari was one of our patients who had surpassed our expectation too. We thank him whole heartedly for giving us opportunity to be with him in his weight loss journey. And we would always be striving towards the best of the things for our society.

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