As the year 2021 comes to an end, it’s the time to make sure you follow your New Year
Resolution. As per the polls, weight loss tops the list amongst all the resolution. Surprisingly, the
the goal is actually not difficult; it’s sticking to it that causes the people to drop the idea.
So here we are here to help you to stick with your resolution from the start of 2021 until the end
2021, while staying motivated to overcome any hurdle during the journey.
Here are 5 tips to help you create a long-lasting change:
1. Keep it small: Establishing new behavioural patterns takes time and need sincerity. So
instead of keeping lots of resolution, focus on just one achievable goal. The first step to stick on
your weight loss goal should be not to overdo it. Keep small achievable targets which will boost
your confidence as well as motivate you to move further.
2. Plan your resolution beforehand: Weight loss is achieved if the habits formed are
consistent and it need not be perfect. Make a routine and turn it into a habit. The routine should be
set in a realistic achievable way. So start with going for jog 2-3 times a week, stop binging on
junks while watching Netflix, cut down eating out multiple times a month to once or twice a
Set the amount of weight which is relevant, specific which will keep you motivated all through
the journey. The resolution is always advised to be decided and planed before 31 st December.
Thus giving you enough scope to work out with your plan of action, also estimating the pros,
cons and finalizing a deadline for short term as well as long term goal. Insta-Sculpt weight loss
clinics in Thane, Bandra, Mumbai can also help you plan your fitness goals with customized
healthy eating programs as well as inch loss schedule. We are the best weight loss clinic near
your area.
3. Eat everything but right: Food plays an important role when you are planning a weight loss.
You need to eat smart rather than eat less. Cut down the sweetened beverages, as sugar is the
main culprit linked to increased risk of heart diseases and obesity. Reducing your belly fat or your
body fat is optimum for a healthy lifestyle. Opt for fibre-rich foods rather than starches or
carbohydrates. Select low carb and low-calorie food from vegetables such as spinach, broccoli,
tomatoes, Brussels, cucumber and lettuce. Apart from these one has to remember that body still
requires healthy fats. Olive oils and coconut oils are the best choices to inculcate in your eating
Also, note eating very less or very few calories, in the long run, is not proper and also can be
less effective for weight loss. Make sure you take proper advice from one of our health
nutritionists, as there could be health risk without proper guidance. We at insta-sculpt have
experiences doctors guiding you with a proper health system in place. Our weight loss centers
in Mumbai focus on obesity
4. Keep short course deadline and reward yourself on accomplishing it: Half work is done
just by positive thinking. So always in the initial part of your resolutions, keep short course
deadline. It can be like 2 kg in 2 weeks or cutting down sugar for 10 days etc. Put achievable
goals on the soft board and tick mark it once done. This works as a good motivational plan to
keep you going.
Also now when you achieve these goals, reward yourself for your success. You need not keep
rewards as food or cheat meals, instead celebrate it by a good massage or spa or shopping etc,
or you can visit our locations around Mumbai for Free Consultation on how to better your weight
loss goals set for 2022. Our objective is to keep you happy and make you feel good and
5. Keep track of small but important things: This can be anything like sleep, physical activity,
mental stress etc. Weight loss never happens with just one thing of dieting. It is a combined
effort of the whole body system to get back to the healthy and fit state. So resolve to keep a check on
the things which might become a maintaining factor for the journey of weight loss. Few of which
Sleep- See that you have proper relaxed sleep of 6-8 hours /day. Catnap sleep during
day hours can help.
Move your body – Exercising and for that matter, any physical activity helps in burning
calories as well as relieve stress. Plan your activity schedule beforehand, so that it
plainly settles into the routine when you are ready.
Stress – Stress is definitely an important factor that might slowly or uneventfully hamper
weight loss. Meditation and yoga are the best choices to keep anxiety at bay.
After reading this article you feel that you have achieved your goals or you are having
difficulty in achieving your goals, our doctors who specialize in weight loss management
can create a customized plan for your health aiming at permanent results.
Our Founder Dr
Manjiri Puranik will arrange qualified Doctor’s and Trained Dietitian’s specialized in
Obesity, Diabetes, Metabolism and Nutrition. Our location in Thane, Mumbai has a perfect blend of doctors ready to serve your body slimming requirement during this covid-19 Pandemic.