Acne can be a problematic condition for many people, especially women. For many people, the problem is choosing between a treatment that may or may not work and other forms which will permanently leave scars on your skin. However, there is a new form of treatment known as RF technology for acne scars or the Fractional Radio Frequency treatment which can help reduce these scars.
What is Radio Frequency Treatment?
RF technology uses microscopic needles to penetrate the deep layers of skin. Then pulses of energy which generate heat are used to break down the scar tissue, where new skin can grow easily. This is a much gentler process than other forms of laser treatment which may damage your skin.
How it Works?
RF technology uses microscopic needles as mentioned above and cause minute breakdowns of skin tissues in the affected area. However, since the needles are very small and are added with the high energy pulse, it ensures that the skin breakdown is in a specific pattern. This is such a pattern that once new skin grows in its place and heals, it becomes indistinguishable from the unaffected areas that surround it.
How many sittings are required?
Although this depends on the extent of the scars, usually, up to five sittings are recommended. It could be more or less depending on the amount of work required on the skin.
What is the recovery period like?
The skin may become red for a few days after the treatment, although this only happens in very few cases and should be considered normal. It will go away on its own within a few days. Usually any inflammation or redness goes away in the first 48 hours and you can have new looking skin by that time.